Apache Kafka workshop
We are offering an Apache Kafka workshop at Sysco on-demand.
This workshop contains the following topics to discuss and try out:
Architecture and Deployment
Here we will evaluate the concepts and design around Apache Kafka’s server side, how data is stored, how records are organized, how scalable and reliable it is.
After understanding the server side, and how to deploy an Apache Kafka cluster, we will review the different APIs available to produce and consume messages. Also we will explore the high-level API’s to connect Kafka from/to external systems and how to execute Stream Processing on top of it.
Design Patterns and Integration
Once we have an understanding about the server and client side of Apache Kafka, we will discuss about what Design Patterns are enabled from the idea of a Transaction Log as a first-class concept on our architecture and also how we can integrate Kafka with our integration platform.
Kafka APM
Finally we will review how to utilize open-source tools to instrument our applications on top of Kafka to have visibility our applications.
This workshop is prepared for one full day. For more information contact Jon Petter Hjulstad jonpetter.hjulstad@sysco.no